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$10.00 — available on subscription
Ingredients: Organic non alkali Mexican Cocoa, Organic Apple Cider vinegar, Organic large crystal Cane Sugar, Organic hot wax peppers (Onieda Lake), cinnamon, nutmeg, and water.
vegan · gluten free · non GMO
Coco Loco is derived from an old Olmec recipe for a stout sour chocolate drink common in ancient and what is now southern Mexico called “Pozol”. Once thought to be ceremonial, this drink was later found to be common among the general populace. Mexican Cacao is more bitter and and in need of spices to even out the bite. They likely fermented the gruel itself before storing. By adding cooked cornmeal and milk or water they created a harvest and cooler month drink called Chamburrado. Its like drinking a very thick nutty chocolaty cocoa. Sweeten or not, to taste.
Coco Loco Shrub has a unique taste profile that makes for unique creamy cocktails, tea, and coffee additives. Surprising is its pairing with Orange shrub that makes a superb mocktail cordial. Ben Franklin would be proud.
We extract the flavor and juices from fruit harvested here in the Finger Lakes region whenever possible. If off-season or not native to the Finger Lakes, only the highest quality fruits are used. This helps produce the vibrant color and flavor of our small-batch shrub. There are no flavor enhancers, preservatives, or colorants. Ever! Taste the Finger Lakes Harvest difference!